Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rainy Day at the Barn

Today is one of those perfect rainy days where you just want to bundle up in a cozy sweatshirt, throw on your boots, and head down to the barn to soak in that delicious wet horse/hay/wood smell. Something about a barn in the rain is so perfect and comforting. The horses are all cozy in their stalls, feeling snuggly like you. Maybe you mix up a little warm bran mash and molasses for them and listen to them smack and slurp and love you forever.  I wish I lived just a little closer to my barn . . . I would so be there!


  1. Sounds so cozy! I'm even happy to clean tack when I can hear the rain falling and the horses are tucked in and happy. However, I'm also happy to keep enjoying our Indian Summer and to sit with them over breakfast in temperate mornings! Out of curiosity, how far away is your barn?

  2. The ex-racehorse rescue I ride at is about 40 minutes away, and there's another rescue I help out sometimes that's an hour and a half away! It's so worth it, though!
